June 12, 2024
7 minutes

Best Egg Freezing Clinics in London: A Patient’s Guide

Best Egg Freezing Clinics in London: A Patient’s Guide
Written by
Navya Muralidhar
MSc Clinical Embryology & Embryologist
Amilis makes fertility digestible, accessible, and affordable to help you take charge of your reproductive health and live on your own timeline.

In an eggshell...

  1. If you plan to get started with egg freezing, choosing a clinic and getting your tests done is the first step
  2. It’s better to have the right clinics and support system around you during the entire process
  3. Choosing the right egg freezing clinic depends on factors such as location, success rates, reviews, cost, and so on

The first step of egg freezing is often around debating, reading up, or even pondering on whether egg freezing is for you. 

The next step? The decision. And if you wish to go ahead, choosing an egg-freezing clinic is the next task.

This choice is important as this is what decides your experience with the process, the amount of support you receive and can even influence the success rates for your cycle. 

While some may turn to forums, discussions or articles while on their hunt for a fertility clinic, we’ve decided to put up a well-researched, one-stop solution to help you find the right egg-freezing clinic in the UK, for you.

So, read on to know!

How do I select the right egg-freezing clinic? 

Finding the perfect egg-freezing clinic depends on your personal circumstances as well as the clinic itself. To break it down for you, here’s our checklist of factors to keep in mind, that can help you decide the best egg-freezing clinic for you:  

  • Location: Convenience matters. We recommend choosing a clinic with a branch close to your home or workplace for ease of appointments and consultations.
  • Your stage in the journey: Are you new to egg freezing or considering switching clinics? If it's your first time, you might prioritise clinics with detailed patient education programs, and follow-up consultations. In contrast, those switching clinics might focus on the clinic success rates and experience of their previous cycle. 
  • Experience and expertise: Look for clinics with a proven track record in egg freezing and a team of experienced fertility specialists.
  • Success rates: While success rates are not the sole deciding factor, they do offer valuable insights into a clinic's effectiveness.
  • Cost transparency: Ensure the clinic provides clear pricing structures for consultations, medication, procedures, and storage fees.
  • Patient reviews: Reading patient reviews can offer valuable perspectives on the clinic's environment, staff support, and overall experience.
Deciding if egg freezing is for you?
Well you don't have to contemplate alone. Amilis can help you make the decision with clear, personalised, empathetic advice.
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Deciding if egg freezing is for you?
Well you don't have to contemplate alone. Amilis can help you make the decision with clear, personalised, empathetic advice.
Book a call

Best fertility clinics in London for egg freezing

Based on our research, patient testimonials and track records, we did a deeper dive into the fertility clinics in London and their cost for single egg-freezing cycles. Here’s a closer look at the 5 best fertility clinics in London, following our analysis: 

Aria Fertility

Aria fertility clinic

Aria Fertility is a patient-centred, HFEA-licensed clinic with a team of highly qualified fertility specialists dedicated to personalised care. Their medical team consists of highly experienced fertility and gynaecology specialists.

In the heart of London’s medical district, they offer cutting-edge technology and a supportive environment to guide you through your egg-freezing journey.

Services offered:

  1. Egg freezing
  2. Donor eggs

Cost of egg freezing at Aria Fertility

Here’s a breakdown of the cost at Aria Fertility:

Service Price
Initial Consultation Free via Amilis
Fertility Tests £595
Screening Tests £275
Medications £985 - £2,600
Monitoring scans and blood tests All scans included, blood tests variable
Egg Collection Procedure £3,295
Annual Egg Storage £360
Total Cost £5,430 (for 1 cycle)
Savings £260

Patient reviews from Aria fertility

  • “I had a wonderful experience with Dr Carby at Aria. They made the egg-freezing process incredibly smooth and easy. I'd recommend them to anyone!”- Verified patient, 32 years old
  • “Highly recommend Aria. My experience in freezing eggs was positive, the whole team from the ladies at reception to the nurses to the embryologists to the consultants themselves were empathetic, kind and so knowledgeable. I always felt that I was in excellent hands. They responded to all my questions, patiently taught me how to take the injections, and constantly updated me about how I was progressing. Thanks”- Verified patient, 44 years old

Book an appointment with Aria fertility

You can choose to book a free consultation at Aria Fertility via Amilis.

Lister Fertility Clinics

Lister Fertility Clinic, London

Lister Fertility Clinics boasts a long-standing reputation for excellence in fertility care backed by an experienced team of doctors, nurses, embryologists and counsellors. 

Their branches include Chelsea and Portland. Known for their patient care and providing a holistic approach, Lister caters to a larger audience of egg freezing, IVF and individuals opting for other fertility treatments.  

Services offered:

  1. Egg freezing
  2. Egg sharing (At £400 GBP/year)
  3. Donor eggs

Cost of egg freezing at Lister Fertility clinic

Service Price
Initial Consultation Free via Amilis
Fertility Tests £575
Screening Tests £205
Medications £985 - £2,600
Monitoring scans and blood tests All scans included blood tests variable
Egg Collection Procedure £3,790
Annual Egg Storage £400 (1st year free )
Total Cost £5,495 (for 1 cycle)
Savings £250

Patient reviews from Lister fertility

“The Lister Fertility Clinic Chelsea is a very well-organised fertility clinic, instructions and process were explained clearly. Easy to make appointments and speak to someone”- Verified patient, 33 years old

Book an appointment with Lister fertility

You can either choose a free consultation via Amilis at Lister Fertility clinic Chelsea or Portland.

The Evewell fertility clinics

Evewell Fertility Clinic London

The Evewell strongly emphasises patient comfort and emotional well-being throughout the egg-freezing process. Their team of caring professionals provides a holistic approach to fertility care, addressing both physical and emotional aspects.

Services offered:

  1. Egg freezing
  2. Donor eggs

Cost of egg freezing at The Evewell Fertility clinics

Service Price
Initial Consultation Free via Amilis
Fertility Tests £539
Screening Tests £259
Medications £985 - £2,600
Monitoring scans and blood tests 5 scans included, blood tests variable
Egg Collection Procedure £3,915
Annual Egg Storage £375 (1st year free )
Total Cost £5,440 (for 1 cycle)
Savings £250

Patient reviews from The Evewell fertility

“I picked Evewell because of their positive reviews and the ambience. It felt more cosy and welcoming, rather than clinical. The staff were very kind and took the time to answer questions. The follow-up info from them was a bit confusing and there were prices that weren't originally included but overall, I'm glad I did it.”- Verified patient, 35 years old 

Book an appointment with The Evewell fertility

You can either choose a free consultation via Amilis at The Evewell Fertility Hammersmith or Harley street.

Manchester Fertility

Manchester Fertility Clinic

While not located in London, Manchester Fertility is a leading clinic in the UK with a branch conveniently located nearby in Manchester.

Manchester Fertility boasts a team of highly skilled fertility specialists and embryologists with extensive experience in egg freezing and other fertility treatments. They offer innovative technologies and personalised treatment plans for your egg-freezing journey. 

Services offered:

  1. Egg freezing
  2. Donor eggs

Cost of egg freezing at Manchester Fertility

Service Price
Initial Consultation Free via Amilis
Fertility Tests £470
Screening Tests £300
Medications £985 - £2,600
Monitoring scans and blood tests All Included
Egg Collection Procedure £4,350
Annual Egg Storage £385(1st year free)
Total Cost £6750 (for 1 cycle)
Savings £260

How Amilis can help with your egg-freezing journey 

Choosing an egg-freezing clinic can seem like the hardest part. 

That’s exactly what our founder Sarita went through too, during her egg-freezing cycle.

That’s why Amilis aims to simplify your egg-freezing journey while bringing transparency and affordability into the process. This is how we do it:

  • Vetted clinics: We partner only with reputable and experienced clinics in London and the UK, ensuring you receive high-quality care.
  • Cost savings: Through our partnerships with leading clinics, we can offer exclusive discounts and reduced package deals on egg-freezing services.
  • Support and guidance: Confused about egg freezing? We have a personalised quiz for you to get started and free 1-1 calls with our dedicated team to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide personalised support throughout your egg-freezing journey.
  • Convenience: Amilis simplifies the process by helping you compare egg freezing clinics, schedule consultations, and access all resources related to egg freezing, in one place.

We’re out here to make egg freezing possible, affordable and streamlined for millions of women in the UK, including you.

In this journey, we’ve got your back too♥️

Written by
Navya Muralidhar
MSc Clinical Embryology & Embryologist

An embryologist by degree, and an educator by heart, Navya has completed her Bachelors in Genetics, and her Masters in Embryology and now strives to deconstruct the complex, into educational and informative articles surrounding her field of interest. She's specifically focused on time-lapse technology, IVM, and pre-implantation genetics. When not writing, you can find her at her favourite or newest coffee shop in town, sketching away, or listening to a podcast.