September 15, 2024
8 minutes

Egg Freezing at Manchester Fertility: Costs, Services and Treatment Steps

Egg Freezing at Manchester Fertility: Costs, Services and Treatment Steps
Written by
Navya Muralidhar
MSc Clinical Embryology & Embryologist
Amilis makes fertility digestible, accessible, and affordable to help you take charge of your reproductive health and live on your own timeline.

In an eggshell...

  1. Manchester Fertility is a great option for anyone considering egg freezing in the UK
  2. Manchester offers free consultations via Amilis and discounted storage costs
  3. They have support services for patients and boasts a team of experienced fertility professionals

Considering egg freezing in the UK?

It’s only natural for you to explore all the options out there while deciding the right clinic.

Especially if you’re local to Manchester, staying in and around London, or in the UK, Manchester Fertility Clinic is a popular option.

So, what’s it really like to undergo an egg-freezing cycle at Manchester Clinic?

To answer this, we did our research by actually talking to their team, nurses and doctors to give you these insider details on how the egg-freezing process happens, from start to end.

About Manchester Fertility 

Manchester Fertility is a great option for anyone considering egg freezing in the UK. 


Founded in 1986, Manchester Fertility has grown from its original base at Bridgewater Hospital to its current home at Oakwood Square.

As one of the UK's leading fertility clinics, Manchester Fertility has built a reputation for expert and personalised fertility care, state-of-the-art technology, a patient-centred approach, and outstanding care.

Deciding if egg freezing is for you?
Well you don't have to contemplate alone. Amilis can help you make the decision with clear, personalised, empathetic advice.
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Deciding if egg freezing is for you?
Well you don't have to contemplate alone. Amilis can help you make the decision with clear, personalised, empathetic advice.
Book a call

How does egg freezing at Manchester Fertility work?

Here’s how your egg-freezing cycle would work, at Manchester Fertility:

Step 1: Take an Affordable Fertility Test via Amilis

Amilis offers a fertility test for just £80, where you check your anti-mullerian hormone levels. This is a blood test to check your egg count. With this, you get a personalised report on your AMH levels, and the normal levels by age.

You can book this test at the nearest Randox clinic and at any point of your menstrual cycle as AMH levels don’t really fluctuate throughout the month.

🥸 Freebie alert: Download our free AMH guide

Step 2: Book a free consultation at Manchester

When you choose Amilis you also get a free consultation at Manchester Clinic, which saves you £250 in your egg freezing cycle costs. 

Free consultations also help you explore the clinic, have a chat with their team and staff and help them assess your AMH report, giving them insights into your reproductive health.

Step 3: Initial Investigations and scans

Once you’re ready to go with Manchester as your chosen clinic, they offer pre-treatment tests to assess fertility and ovarian reserve.

These include blood tests such as oestrogen, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (leutinizing hormone) and pelvic scans such as AFC (Antral follicle count) to help determine if egg freezing is the right option for you. The number of tests may also vary based on your age and medical history.   

Step 4: Consultation

This is your follow-up consultation where you meet with a fertility specialist to discuss test results and treatment options. You can then discuss the possibility of starting an egg-freezing cycle, have a chat about realistic expectations, the timing, the number of cycles, and so on. 

Step 5: Counselling and Consent 

This is where you’re given the green light to start with a cycle. You may have a counselling session to discuss the ins and outs of the process. This is an essential step to ensure you're emotionally prepared for the journey ahead.

Additionally, you also complete the necessary forms for egg collection, freezing, and storage. These forms detail how long you wish to store your eggs and what should happen to your eggs if something happens to you.

🥸 Freebie alert: Download our guide on preparing for egg freezing

Step 6: Ovarian Stimulation

Once you get the go-ahead, this is the first step, where tailored doses of fertility drugs are administered to produce mature eggs. This process typically takes 10-14 days.

Step 7: Egg Collection and Freezing

Once the stimulation is over, a trigger shot is given to mature the eggs and prime them for retrieval. Egg collection is a minor procedure under sedation to retrieve eggs. This takes place about 35-38 hours after the 'trigger' injection.

Lastly, mature eggs are frozen in the lab using the vitrification technique, a special fast-freezing method ensuring high survival rates for frozen eggs.

📚Also read: What to expect on egg retrieval day

Using Frozen Eggs at Manchester Fertility

Once frozen, eggs are stored in their in-house cryobank until needed for future treatment. Eggs also do not deteriorate over time when stored in liquid nitrogen at -180 degrees Celsius, ensuring their viability for future use.

When you're ready to use your frozen eggs, you can contact the clinic for the next steps such as: 

1. Thawing and preparing the eggs for fertilisation

The eggs are thawed and prepared for fertilisation by their expert lab team, whilst your uterus is prepared for pregnancy using fertility medications.

2. Insemination using ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

A sample of either partner sperm or donor sperm is prepared. Your eggs are inseminated via Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), which involves injecting a single healthy sperm into each egg.

3. Embryo culture and monitoring

The embryologists then monitor your eggs for signs of fertilisation. This usually occurs 16-18 hours after insemination.

The created embryos are then placed in an incubator where they grow in the lab for the next two to five days. At Manchester, the embryologists keep you updated on the progress of your embryos and advise when your embryo transfer will take place.

4. Embryo transfer

The embryo chosen by the embryologists is transferred under ultrasound guidance into your uterus by their fertility consultants, in Manchester Fertility’s specially-designed embryo transfer room.

And if there are any remaining embryos, they can remain frozen and stored for further use. 

5. Pregnancy test and follow-up care

You can take a home pregnancy test around two weeks after your embryo transfer. During this time, you will be supported by their clinic midwife. If your test is positive, you will be booked in for your pregnancy confirmation scan at 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Currently, eggs can be legally stored for up to 10 years, which can be extended to up to 55 years as long as you update and give consent for storage every 10 years.

Meet the Experts: Doctors at Manchester Fertility

Manchester Fertility boasts a team of warm, welcoming and experienced fertility professionals, working across different departments:

  • Dr. Peter Kerecsenyi: A fertility consultant who joined the team in 2009, Dr. Kerecsenyi has vast experience in fertility assessments and preservation services. He's dedicated to improving the quality of clinical care and patient experience.
  • Dr. Kingshuk Majumder: An expert in gynaecology, reproductive medicine, and laparoscopic surgery, Dr. Majumder has a special interest in conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, and adenomyosis. He's part of the team at the Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis Centre at St Mary's Hospital.
  • Dr. Sharon Tay: A passionate fertility doctor, Dr. Tay encourages shared decision-making and informed choices. She strives to help patients understand their fertility situations and make the best decisions for their circumstances.
  • Dr. Nikolaos Tsampras: A consultant gynaecologist with expertise in all types of assisted reproduction techniques, including laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and HyCoSy. Dr. Tsampras finds great reward in helping patients achieve their dreams of parenthood.

Why Choose Manchester Fertility for Egg Freezing?

“Manchester Fertility takes pride in ensuring a comfortable, personalised, and effective egg-freezing treatment,” says their staff. “From their state-of-the-art laboratory to our expert embryologists, every aspect of the process is designed to provide the best possible outcome for patients”.

Here is what makes them stand out as a top fertility clinic in the UK:

1. Patient-Focused Approach: With decades of experience, Manchester Fertility prioritises patient care and understanding. This translates to you receiving utmost care and support from the moment you walk in the door until after your egg-freezing cycle. 

2. On-Site Freezing and Storage Technology: Their purpose-built laboratory uses the most advanced technologies and equipment to safeguard your eggs. This gives them maximum control over the egg-freezing process, ensuring the highest standards of care and security for your frozen eggs.

3. VIOLET™ AI Technology: AI is seeping into the science field and at Manchester, they’ve decided to make the most of it for patient care. 

This innovative artificial intelligence tool provides personalised egg quality insights. VIOLET™ uses deep learning to recognise patterns across images invisible to the human eye, offering a quality score for each egg and predicting the number of embryos needed to achieve a live birth. 

It also helps embryologists record images and videos while providing patients with a personalised prediction of their overall chance of a successful live birth. 

4. Affordable Pricing: Manchester Fertility offers transparent, reasonable pricing for high-quality treatment. They aim to reduce the risk of surprise bills later down the line, to help you plan your fertility journey with confidence.

5. Accessibility: The clinic welcomes patients from across the UK and even abroad, with excellent transport links and nearby accommodations. 

They coordinate treatment journeys to minimise travel and offer consultations via their patient app, making the process as convenient as possible for patients travelling from farther distances.

6. First Year's Storage Fee Included: The first year of egg storage is included in the treatment cycle cost. This could significantly help you save on your egg-freezing cycle costs. 

What services does Manchester Fertility offer?

Manchester Fertility offers a wide range of fertility services, including:

  • Egg Freezing
  • IVF and ICSI
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
  • Treatment with Donor Eggs and Sperm
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer
  • Induction of Ovulation
  • Modified Natural Cycle IVF
  • Surrogacy
  • Fertility Assessments and Checks
  • Sperm Freezing

While they don't offer an egg-sharing program, if you are looking for one, you can choose an egg-freezing clinic that offers the service, via Amilis.  

Support Services for Patients

Manchester Fertility provides support throughout the egg-freezing process. Their dedicated team goes above and beyond to provide high-quality care at every stage of your fertility journey. This includes:

New Patient Team: Helps patients understand what's involved in the egg-freezing process from the initial inquiry.

In-Patient Team: Takes over care once treatment begins, answering questions about your specific fertility preservation journey.

Fertility Counsellors: Provide emotional support throughout the process, available online via Zoom or in person at the clinic. This service is essential in helping patients navigate the emotional aspects of fertility preservation.

Expert Doctors: The clinic's team of experienced doctors, many of whom also practise within the NHS and in private practice, provide specialised expertise to support you in your fertility journey.

Book a free consultation at Manchester Fertility

Manchester Fertility’s transparent pricing, accessible location, and commitment to patient care make it a top choice for egg freezing in the UK. 

When you choose Amilis, you also get to save on your egg-freezing costs with affordable fertility tests and a free consultation at Manchester Fertility.

And if you still have questions about the process, our expert team is a call away to answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you choose the right clinic!

We’re building the future of transparent and affordable fertility care in the UK, for women like us, one step at a time 🙌🏼

Written by
Navya Muralidhar
MSc Clinical Embryology & Embryologist

An embryologist by degree, and an educator by heart, Navya has completed her Bachelors in Genetics, and her Masters in Embryology and now strives to deconstruct the complex, into educational and informative articles surrounding her field of interest. She's specifically focused on time-lapse technology, IVM, and pre-implantation genetics. When not writing, you can find her at her favourite or newest coffee shop in town, sketching away, or listening to a podcast.